The UAE Corporate Tax (CT) regime came into effect for the first time from June this year. Businesses activities in the UAE will need to consider the implications of the introduction of the UAE Corporate Tax on their transactions including cross border transactions and entity structure and ensure that they are ready to comply with these new requirements. It would be a crucial time for all types of businesses who are or will be operating in UAE to plan for the required Corporate Tax implementation as soon as possible. Attendees of this exclusive session will be given a good overview and understanding of the relevant requirements and guidelines from experts in the UAE from MBG Corporate Services.
The experts presenting at the session are Ms Sakina Dickenwala, MBG’s Associate Partner Legal Services and Mr Komal Grover, MBG’s partner and Expert in Corporate and International Taxation. You will also get to meet in-person Ms Akiko Yamane, a Partner at the MBG Corporate Services who will introduce you to the Group and the extensive support they provide to Singapore companies who would like to expand to the UAE market.
Title: Overview of UAE Corporate Tax 2023
Day/Date: Friday, 10th November 2023
Time: 3:00pm Singapore to 4:30pm
Venue: Arcc Spaces - One Marina Boulevard, 1 Marina Blvd, Level 20,Singapore 018989
Organizer: UAE Singapore Business Council
Main Sponsor: MBG Corporate Services Singapore
Registration: CLICK HERE to access registration form
Main Sponsor
