Singapore businesses were introduced to the Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park (SRTI Park) on Wednesday, 9th September. The introduction was done via webinar organised by SRTIP which featured presentations and speeches from:
SRTI Park: His Excellency Hussein AlMahoudi, CEO and Mr Mohamed Al Haj, Project Executive
UAE Embassy in Singapore: His Excellency Mohamed Salim Al Falahi, Charge D'affaires
UAESBC: Dr Brian Shegar, President
Established in 2016, the SRTI Park was mandated to develop and manage an innovation ecosystem that promotes Research and Development and supports enterprise activities and the triple helix collaboration of industry, government, and academia. The Park specializes in supporting the following sectors: Water, Environmental, Production & Design Architecture, Mobility Logistics & Smart Cities, Digitization, Renewable Energy and Healthcare.
Singapore companies in these sectors can take advantage of SRTI Park not just because it provides all the benefits of a Free Zone, but also because of its state-of-art facilities and unique support from research teams partnered with the American University of Sharjah.
For more info on SRTI Park or other Free Zones in the UAE, please contact the UAESBC at .
You can browse through screenshots from the webinar below: